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Whin a Japanese soordsman wint into a combat he made such faces that his opponent dhropped his soord an' thin he uttered a bloodcurdlin' cry, waved his soord four hundhred an' fifty times over th' head iv th' victim or in th' case iv a Samuri eight hundred an' ninety-six, give a whoop resimblin' our English wurrud 'tag, an' clove him to th' feet.

"Faith, 'tis thrue for you," corroborated Dan Murphy. "If ye had thim gethered in a quarther of ground and dhropped a pin from th' elements, 'twould reach one o' thim!" The riders were farmers and men of Robert's own undetermined class, and there was hardly a horse out who was more than four years old, saving two or three who were nineteen.

Thim nickels ye dhropped in are all in th' dhrawer iv that there table, an' to-morrow mornin' ye may see me havin' me hair cut be means iv thim. An' I'll tell ye wan thing, Jawn McKenna, an' that's not two things, that if ye think ye can come up here to Ar-rchey Road an' rob an honest man, by gar, ye've made th' mistake iv ye'er life. Goowan, now, before I call a polisman." Mr.

'No, indeed, says the waiver; 'you have the advantage o' me. 'To be sure I have, says the king, moighty high; 'sure, ain't I the King o' Dublin? says he. The waiver dhropped down an his two knees forninst the king, and says he, 'I beg God's pardon and yours for the liberty I tuk; plaze your holiness, I hope you'll excuse it. 'No offince, says the king; 'get up, good man.

'Sthep in here. So I sthepped in, an' before I could wink there dhropped a crack on the back av me head that sent me off as unknowledgable as a corrpse. I knew no more for a while, sor, whether half an hour or an hour, an' thin I got up in a room av the place, marked 'To Let. 'Twas a house full av offices, by the same token, like this.

If ever your lyin' sowl saw truth in uts life ye know that. "An' Love-o'-Women lifted up his head and said, 'I knew, an' that was all. While she was spakin' the Power hild him up parade-set in the 'sun, an the sweat dhropped undher his helmet. 'Twas more an' more throuble for him to talk, an' his mouth was runnin' twistways. "Fwhat do you do here? she sez, an' her voice whit up.

They come up for a day's fishin' all along of the illigant fishin' a party from the same place had one day last week I suppose;" and he smiled. "How was that, McGrath?" "It wor last week, sorr; and I wor up the river be meself, an' I had thirty illigant fish thrailin' undher the boat comin' down. It wor just where they are I seen two boats full of gintlemen, an' I dhropped alongside.

A man dhropped a two-be-four on his head wan day, an' he died. Honoria Casey was with him as he passed away, an' she says, 'How d'ye feel? 'All right, says Hogan. 'But wan thing I'll tell ye has made life worth livin', he says. 'What's that? says Miss Casey. 'I know, says I. 'Annywan cud guess it. He manes his nose, I says. But ivrywan on th' stage give it up. 'Ye don't know, says Hogan.

"Hitherao!" sez I, an' he hitheraoed till I judged he was at proper distance, an' thin I tuk him, fair an' square betune the eyes, all I knew for good or bad, an' he dhropped wid a guggle like the canteen beer-engine whin ut's runnin' low. Thin I ran to the kyart an' tuk out all the kit an' piled it into the carr'ge, the sweat runnin' down my face in dhrops.

'I tould you I was Cain, sez Love-o'-Women. 'Fwhat's the use av killin' him? He's an honest man by compare. "I was not dishputin' about the morils av Paythans that tide, so I dhropped Love-o'-Women's burt acrost the man's face, an' 'Hurry into camp, I sez, 'for this may be the first av a rush. "There was no rush afther all, though we waited undher arms to give thim a chanst.