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"Well, you see, Peggy," replied her friend, with the confidential air of one who has a secret to tell, "my Bob has took it into his head to give his mates a surprise by fishin' for albatrosses." "Lawks! Nellie, an' that will give 'em a surprise!" interrupted Mrs Mitford, drying her eyes.

We've been tryin' to find out about the Aurora. She's in the harbor, and they're going to put out to-night." "For where?" "Well, it's a fishin' trip she's cleared for, but she's got more than offshore bait in her hold." Archie had been talking straight down at his plate. Now he stood up, and from behind his napkin said: "There's the skipper o' the Aurora tryin' to collect his gang together.

I had a hook or two, and a piece of twine in my pocket, but they were of no sort of use in common fishin', for I had no kind of bait, and couldn't get any. After thinking the matter over, I concluded I'd see if I couldn't bag some of them in a quiet way. So I cut me a long pole, tied the hook and line to the end of it, and reaching out over the water, dropped quietly down among them.

What do you say? Thanks would not be amiss." Angel and I mumbled thanks, though we were well nigh speechless with astonishment and joy. The Seraph bolted his cherished bit of egg whole and said in his polite little voice: "He's a vewy nice man to take us fishin'. I wonder what made him do it." "I have never pretended," returned Mrs. Handsomebody, stiffly, "to account for the vagaries of the male.

My little joke," he replied, "Girls, I'm cuttin' up," and he tried to hide a serious air with a ridiculous remark. "But we'll do something. We'll go fishin" he declared. "We thought it best to keep out in the cove this morning," Jack was explaining to Cora. "There is so much going on around the landing." "What is going on?" she asked rather nervously.

Howld your prate, I tell you, and look up to your betthers. What do you know iv navigation? Maybe you think it's as aisy for to sail on a voyage as to go start a fishin'." And Barny turned on his heel and left the shore. Well, the next day was Friday, and Barny, of course, would not sail any more than any other sailor who could help it on this unpropitious day.

Many of these vessels had plenty of gold dubloons on board, so when divin' bells and dresses were invented, men began to try their hands at fishin' it up, and, sure enough, some of it was actually found and brought up especially off the shores of the island of Mull, in Scotland.

Aun' Sheba still laughed to herself, and remarked, "Unc., s'pose you try Missy Ella's cure?" "Wot she know 'bout it?" growled Uncle Sheba, with an injured aspect. "Wot de use ob sawin' wood all day wen de town hot 'nuff now to roas' lobsters?" "Dat min's me, Unc. Why don' you took ter some sittin' wuck like fishin' in de harbor? You mought catch a lobster, or some oder fish."

Over one of these puddles near TOO near his bed Ginger was wont to sit with melancholy mien, a rifle held out before him and from the muzzle a string hanging over the water with a mess-tin attached. "Wot's doin', Gin?" "Fishin'." "What for?" "Me ticket!"

Then a sound roused her the sound of a voice speaking loudly, breaking off to laugh, and speaking again. The voice she knew, but the laugh she had never heard. She started up and listened. It was her husband who had wakened her. "How do it go then? Lard! my memory be like a fishin' net, as holds the gert things an' lets the little 'uns creep through.