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D'ye know the double-an'-twist?" he suddenly added, "for it's a honey trick whin they gather in an you, an' you can't be layin' out wid yer fists. It plays the divil wid the spines av thim. Will ye have a drop av drink cold water, man near, an' a sponge betune whiles? For there's manny in the play makin' up for lost time.

The project, when broached, was certainly a startling one, and drove most of them to a pause, before they were sufficiently collected to give an opinion on its merits. "Nothin', boys, is asier," said Delaney. "There's to be a patthern in Ballymagowan, on next Sathurday an' that's jist half way betune ourselves and the Scanlan boys. Let us musther, an' go there, any how.

'I talked to me ould non-coms they was sober an' betune me an' thim we wore the draf' over into their tents at the proper time. The little orf'cer bhoy he comes round, decint an' civil-spoken as might be. "Rough quarters, men," sez he, "but you can't look to be as comfortable as in barricks. We must make the best av things.

They say it's the divil, sir, that keeps the lawyers on his side; an' that when he an' the lawyers do be dhrawin' up their writins, the devil God betune me an' harm! does be helpin' them!" "And is Colonel B actually or, rather, was he your father's landlord?" "He was, indeed, sir; it's thruth I'm tellin' you." "Singular enough!

"Well, evenshually we buried our dead an' tuk away our wounded, an' come over the brow av the hills to see the Scotchies an' the Gurkys taking tay with the Paythans in bucketsfuls. We were a gang av dissolute ruffians, for the blood had caked the dust, an' the sweat had cut the cake, an' our bay'nits was hangin' like butchers' steels betune ur legs, an' most av us were marked one way or another.

'Ay, a fellow-creature, said I for the sergeant was an orangeman 'and if he differs from you in matters of religion, sure he's your fellow-creature still. 'Troth, Doctor, I think there's another trifling difference betune us, said he. 'Damn your politics, said I; 'never let them interfere with true humanity. Wasn't I right, Major?

It's no good for yous to write to us here, for we'll be quittin' out o' this before the letther has a chanst to come; though sure it can folly us as we're jiggin' along to the north. Don't be thinkin' that you've shlipped hould of our ricollections, though the breadth of the ocean say's betune us. More power to your elbow! May your life be aisy, and may the heavens be your bed!

Yer'll see 'em come in, betune ten an' eleven's the time, when the cars arrives, hot and flustered, an' not knowin' for their lives which way to turn; an' yer talks 'em all up and down, deliberate; an' makes 'em answer all the questions yer like, and then yer tells 'em, quite perlite, at the end, that yer don't think 'twould suit yer expectash'ns; it's not precisely what yer was lookin' for.

Well, I'm forgettin' my story in the mane time. At that time, a party of about sixty of us made up our minds to pay Callaghan a nightly visit. The man, you see, made no distinction betune the rich and poor, or rather he made every distinction, for he was all bows and scrapes to the rich, and all whip and fagot to the poor.

Shlapin' I was wan night in a troop-ship in the Bay uv Biscay; an' I dramed I saw Mary walkin' along the cliff by well, 'tis no matter, fer ye've niver been there, an 'tis no place to go to unheedin'. Manny an' manny a time I'd walked wid Mary Haggarty there. There's a steep hill betune two pints uv land.