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"Wid that I slipped my arm round her waist, for, begad, I fancied she had surrindered at discretion, an' the honors av war were mine, "'Fwhat nonsinse is this? sez she, dhrawin' hersilf up on the tips av her dear little toes. 'Wid the mother's milk not dhry on your impident mouth? Let go! she sez,

"'I can endure, sez I; ould Mother Sheehy bein' no divarsion av mine, nor her daughter too. Judy fetched the tea things an' put thim on the table, leanin' over me very close to get thim square. I dhrew back, thinkin' av Dinah. "'Is ut afraid you are av a girl alone? sez Judy. "'No, sez I. 'Why should I be? "'That rests wid the girl, sez Judy, dhrawin' her chair next to mine.

"This interferin' bit av a Benira man," said Mulvaney, "did the thrick for us himself; for, on me sowl, we hadn't a notion av what was to come afther the next minut. He was shoppin' in the bazar on fut. Twas dhrawin' dusk thin, an' we stud watchin' the little man hoppin' in an' out av the shops, thryin' to injuce the naygurs to mallum his bat.

"'As I wur a-sayin', sur, I dhrew forth the bottle, whin there came wan yell from Masther Fred in the back part of the hall, an' says he, "Och! murther! he's dhrawin' his pistol!" an' thin' he run like like' "'Ay, ay! exclaimed doctor, warningly.

Well, his son goes an' jines th' Sivinth Rig'mint; an', by gar, th' ol' man, not knowin' about th' army, he's that proud that he sthruts up an' down th' sthreet with his thumb in th' vest iv him an' give his son a new shovel, for they was wurrukin' together on th' scow 'Odelia Ann. Well, whin th' sthrike come along, iv coorse th' scow unloaders quits; an' Dorgan an' th' la-ad goes out together, because they're dhrawin' good wages an' th' crick do be full iv men r-ready f'r to take their places.

In dhrawin' up a lease or framin' a bond, no more gallant sailor rides th' waves thin hearty Jack Larsen iv th' Amalgamated Copper Yacht Club. 'What ho? says he. 'If we're goin' to have a race, he says, 'shiver me timbers if I don't look up th' law, he says. So he become a yachtsman.

"I can endure," sez I; ould Mother Sheehy bein' no divarsion av mine, nor her daughter too. Judy fetched the tea things an' put thim on the table, leanin' over me very close to get thim square. I dhrew back, thinkin' av Dinah. "Is ut afraid you are av a girl alone?" sez Judy. "No," sez I. "Why should I be?" "That rests wid the girl," sez Judy, dhrawin' her chair next to mine.

"I wint into the crowd our men was dhrawin' breath behin' the Tyrone who was fightin' like sowls in tormint an' prisintly I came acrost little Frehan, our bugler bhoy, pokin' roun' among the best wid a rifle an' bay'nit. "'Is amusin' yoursilf fwhat you're paid for, ye limb? sez I, catchin' him by the scruff. 'Come out av that an' attind to your duty. I sez; but the bhoy was not pleased.

Dick, fancying Andy meant he had got a flask not in a sufficient state of effervescence to expel its own cork, whispered in return, "Draw it, then." "I was dhrawin' it to you, sir, when you stopped me." "Well, make haste with it," said Dick. "Mister Dawson, I'll trouble you for a small slice of the turkey," said the colonel. "With pleasure, colonel; but first do me the honour to take champagne.

'Why, thin, I'd like to know for what Misther Robert is dhrawin' up the poverty of the family, an' makin' little of himself before the captain, thought Andy angrily, and betraying the feeling by a bang of the frying-pan as he laid it aside.