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I'll go over to Dooley's an' get th' rale thing. So, afther thryin' to decipher this here corner iv a dhress patthern, ye climb into ye'er clothes f'r what may be ye'er last walk up Ar-rchy Road. As ye go along ye begin to think that maybe th' Dock knows ye have th' Asiatic cholery an' was onl'y thryin' to jolly ye with his manner iv dealin' with ye.

"Bad 'cess to the furriner!" said another voice as I passed down. "Comin' here wid his set-up ways, an' schornin' a bit of dhrink!" "An' if ye'd take patthern of him yerself " the woman's voice began, and was silenced by a push back into her room and the loud slam of the door.

"Arrah!" she says; "the divil himself wouldn't plaze ye in clothes." The wall-paper man is not more fortunate. "Look at that for a nate patthern!" he says ecstatically, "that'd paper a bed! Come now, ma'am, wan an' thrippence!" The would-be purchaser silently tests it with a wrinkled finger and thumb, and shakes her head. "Well, I declare to ye now, that's a grand paper.

"No matther for that, I'm not goin' to put my judgment in comparishment wid yours, at any rate; an' Paddy M'Gartland himself said, 'Syl, my boy, you know what you're about; if this patthern plaises Art Maguire, it'll plaise anybody; see what it is, says he, 'to have the fine high ould blood in one's veins. Begad he did; will you come up this evenin' about seven o'clock, now, like a good fellow, an' pass your opinion for me?

I'm sorry I didn't buy a gingham: I could have got a beautiful patthern, all out, for two shillings less; but they don't wash so well as this. I bought it in Paddy McGartland's, Peggy. "'Troth, it's nothing else but a great beauty; I didn't see anything on you this long time that becomes you so well, and I've remarked that you always look best in white.

"That man was the worst patthern ever you had. In the word, don't folly his example in anything in any one single thing, an' then there may be some chance o' you still. I'll want you by-an'-by in the study, I tould you."

"Indeed, to tell you the truth, Art, I don't know myself what's the raison of it the only wife I think of is my business; but any way, if you was to see the patthern of married life there is undher the roof wid me, you'd not be much in consate wid marriage yourself, if you war a bachelor." "Why," inquired the other, "don't they agree?"

"Go on, Alick go on, Avick; I will give you lave to have your joke, any way; for it's you that's the patthern to any man that would wish to thrive in the world."

The project, when broached, was certainly a startling one, and drove most of them to a pause, before they were sufficiently collected to give an opinion on its merits. "Nothin', boys, is asier," said Delaney. "There's to be a patthern in Ballymagowan, on next Sathurday an' that's jist half way betune ourselves and the Scanlan boys. Let us musther, an' go there, any how.

There's a Holy Well that I can direct yez to in the county . Any one, wid trust in the Saint that's over it, who'll make a pilgrimage to it on the Patthern day, won't be the worse for it. Then you're to go round the well nine times, upon your bare knees, sayin' your Pathers and Avers all the time.