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It is fit that by pompous architectural monuments, that a voice may forever be sounding audibly in human ears of homage to these powers, and that even alien feelings may be compelled into secret submission to their influence. Therefore, amongst the number of those who value such things, upon the scale of direct proximate utility, rank not me: that arithmetica officina is in my years abominable.

The Pythagorean arithmetic as a whole, with the developments made after the time of Pythagoras himself, is mainly known to us through Nicomachus's Introductio arithmetica, Iamblichus's commentary on the same, and Theon of Smyrna's work Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium. The things in these books most deserving of notice are the following.

There is a short memoir of Ferrari in Opera, tom. ix. Opera, tom. i. p. 66. Fra Luca's book, Summa de Arithmetica Geometria Proportioni é Proportionalita, extends as far as the solution of quadratic equations, of which only the positive roots were used. At this time letters were rarely used to express known quantities.

Quis in Arithmetica non stupet, eum tot difficultates superasse, quibus explicandis Villafrancus, Lucas de Burgo, Stifelius, Tartalea, vix ac ne vix quidem pares esse potuissent?"