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Ideas chased across his face like wind-flaws across the surface of a lake. His hair, sparse and unkempt of growth, was as indeterminate and colorless as his complexion. It would seem that all the color of his frame had gone into his eyes, for they were startlingly blue.

"Tobacco smoke diluted with sea breeze is delicious," she said, as the wind whirled the aromatic smoke of his cigarette up into her face. "Don't move, Mr. Siward; I like it; there is to me always a faint odour of sweet-brier in the mélange. Did you ever notice it?" The breeze-blown conversation became fragmentary, veering as capriciously as the purple wind-flaws that spread across the shoals.

The blue of her eyes was very dark now almost purple like the colour of the sea when the wind-flaws turn the blue to violet. "Did you ever hear of the 'Lesser Children'?" she asked. "Listen then: "'Multitudes, multitudes, under the moon they stirred!

A dark-gray fog, broken by frequent wind-flaws, makes the ugliest of all days on the water. A still, pale fog is soothing; it lulls nature to a kind of repose. But a windy fog with occasional sunbeams and sudden films of metallic blue breaking the leaden water, this carries an impression of something weird and treacherous in the universe, and suggests caution.

Ideas chased across his face like wind-flaws across the surface of a lake. His hair, sparse and unkempt of growth, was as indeterminate and colorless as his complexion. It would seem that all the color of his frame had gone into his eyes, for they were startlingly blue.