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Updated: January 23, 2025
I have never yet seen a person who liked to pull weeds by hand. Gardens are often neglected because of the dislike of their owners for this disagreeable task. The use of the weeding-hook does away with the drudgery, and makes really pleasant work of the fight with weeds. If seedlings are to be transplanted, do it after sundown or on a cloudy day.
Provide yourself with a weeding-hook a little tool with claw-shaped teeth with which you can uproot more weeds in an hour than you can in all day by hand, and the work will be done in a superior manner as the teeth of the little tool stir the surface of the soil just enough to keep it light and open a condition that is highly favorable to the healthy development of young plants.
"I'm sadly afear'd, Sue, that he'll turn out a jackanapes!" and the stout farmer brandished the tall paddle which served him at once as a walking stick and a weeding-hook, and began vigorously eradicating the huge thistles which grew by the roadside, as a mere vent for his vexation. "You'll see that he'll come back an arrant puppy," quoth Michael Howe.
If this is done, and they are taken proper care of in fall, they will last for years. This is true of racks and trellises. Provide yourself with a hoe, an iron-toothed rake, a weeding-hook, a trowel for transplanting, a wheel-barrow, a spade, and a watering-pot. See that the latter is made from galvanized iron if you want it to last. Tin pots will rust out in a short time.
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