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When the offices were closed for the day, Teddy went home to his hut, and it was noticed by one who met him on the road that his manner was very preoccupied, and his walk unusually slow. Shortly afterwards he was seen to stroll over to the police camp, and go straight to Vooda's hut. At eight o'clock that evening Vooda visited Teddy's dwelling, and a long and serious conversation ensued.

It was plain that an important discussion was on hand, and that Vooda's presence was unwelcome. The beer was not in sufficient quantities to cause intoxication, but nevertheless all were somewhat mellow when the sun went down. Shortly afterwards Sololo asked the visitor point blank "Where he was thinking of."

Now Sololo, having had experience of Vooda's persuasive tongue and knack of casuistry, did not wish to argue the point knowing, as he did full well, the object of Vooda's visit and at once made up his mind that he would not see the glib-tongued constable alone. "Son of my father," he said, "what you have to say, let it be said before these my councilors and friends."

He was, moreover, one who trusted much to the effect of his own considerable personal influence, and he believed in utilising the talents of such of his subordinates as possessed faculties similar to his own in this respect. Indabeni had taken Vooda's measure accurately.