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A cantabile strain in the bass wood-wind continued in the violoncelli with a broken triplet accompaniment in the strings seems to tell of the expected meeting. It is a clear summer night; the horns of the hunting-party grow fainter in the distance. Brangaene, with anxiety in her expression, is listening attentively and waiting for them to cease when Isolde enters.

An expressive recitative of the violoncelli and basses then leads to C minor, the key of the first scene. ACT I., SCENE I. The scene opens in a pavilion on the deck of the ship. Isolde is reclining on a couch, her face buried in the pillows.

Amplifications of the same harmonies introduced a fresh accession of violoncelli and oboi contrasted artfully in syncopation, till at length the strides of the accelerando gave a glittering precipitation to the entrance of the second and longest movement. "Then Anastase turned upon me, and with the first bar we fell into a tumultuous presto.

The opening andante in triple time for the five violoncelli and double basses at once carries the hearer to the regions of the upper Alps, where amid the eternal snows Nature sleeps in a peaceful dream. We perceive the coming of the sunlight, and the hazy atmosphere clearing away before the newborn day. In the next movement the solitude is all dispelled.