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Except for a few farmers, all the Highland platforms were empty. I felt like a disembodied spirit when I found myself at last in a land of short, transparent nights which hardly divided one day from another. Uppat, Lord Amherst's lodge, was one of the roomiest on the whole Sutherland property. Parts of it were old. It had once been a small laird's castle.

To Novar and Ardross, where good shooting. Then to Uppat, boating and fishing with the Duke of Sutherland, George Loch, and Forsyth. We went from Uppat to Brahan; then to Dunnichen and Springfield, a place near Roslyn the Dempsters had taken. Then to Abington and home. From M. Guizot Val Richer, 15 Aout. My dear Sir, Sir Alexander Gordon m'avait annonce la perte que nous venons de faire.

To elude the world without eluding its ornaments what more could be prayed for by a mind desiring rest? Uppat, indeed, in June and July was like a land Where all trouble seems Dead winds, and spent waves riot In doubtful dreams of dreams. Lord Amherst, as a rule, spent most of the day fishing. Lady Amherst, I, and two other visitors very often bicycled.

Reeve and Hopie desire to join in the cordial expression of their affectionate regard; and I remain Your most faithful servant, The Journal here notes: In August I left town for Ambleside and Abington, to shoot. Thence I went to the George R. Smiths', at Relugas; near Forres. Shot there, and then crossed the Moray Firth to Skibo and Uppat. Returned to town by sea from Aberdeen.