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But when all these are swept away by the rude hand of time, or the rough blasts of adversity, the true Christian stands, like the glory of the forest, erect and vigorous; stripped indeed of his summer foliage, but more than ever discovering to the observing eye the solid strength of his substantial texture: Pondere fixa suo est, nudosque per aera ramos Attollens, trunco non frondibus efficit umbram.

The following simile, taken from Cicero's translation of Aratus, and Voltaire's version of it, are greatly admired: Sic Jovis altisoni subito pennata satelles, Arboris è trunco, serpentis saucia morsu; Ipsa feris subigit transfigens unguibus anguem Semianimum, et variâ graviter cervice micantem; Quem se intorquentem laniens rostroque craentans, Abjicit efflantem, et laceratum effundit in undas, Seque obitu a solis nitidos convertit ad ortus.

I likewise in quarrels condemn those who huff and vapour without an enemy: those rhodomontades should be reserved to discharge upon the offending party: "Mugitus veluti cum prima in praelia taurus Terrificos ciet, atque irasci in cornua tentat, Arboris obnixus trunco, ventospue lacessit Ictibus, et sparsa ad pugnum proludit arena."