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There is M. Roi the "Poet," as he was then reckoned; jingling Roi, who concocts satirical calumnies; who collects old ones, reprints the same, and sends Travenol, an Opera-Fiddler, to vend them. From which sprang a Lawsuit, PROCES-TRAVENOL, of famous melancholy sort. As Voltaire had rather the habit of such sad melancholy Lawsuits, we will pause on this of Travenol for a moment:

SUMMARY OF TRAVENOL LAWSUIT. "Monday, 9th May, 1746, was the Day or reception at the Academy; reception and fruition, thrice-savory to Voltaire. But what an explosion of the Doggeries, before, during and after that event! Voltaire had tried to be prudent, too.

So that Voltaire could not stand it; and, in evil hour, rushed downstairs upon them; seized one poor dog, Travenol, unknown to him as Fiddler or otherwise; pinioned Dog Travenol, with pincers, by the ears, him for one; proper Police-pincers, for we are now well at Court; and had a momentary joy!

"And mistakes were made in the Affair Travenol, old FATHER Travenol haled to prison, instead of Son, by the Lieutenant of Police and his people. "Lasted, I find, for above a year. From Spring, 1746, till towards Autumn, 1747: Voltaire's feelings being Haha, so exquisite, all the while! Well, reader, I can judge how amusing it was to high and low.