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In the dense forest, cattle had run wild, and were sometimes seen feeding in the thinly-timbered grass land outside; but whenever a horseman approached they dashed headlong into the scrub where no horseman could follow them. Wild boars and their progeny also rooted among the tall tussocks in the marshes by the banks of the river, where it emerged from the ranges into the plains.

The bush-track was entered upon once more, and followed with painful care, as he murmured, half to himself, "Well, this beats all reckoning! I could have staked my life that this was impossible." Turning to me, he said, with manifest grief, "Our meeting is done for! It will be midnight before we can arrive." The sun was beginning to set as we reached the thinly-timbered ground.

Dick had given Butts the taste of a carrot and now fled, dangling the inviting vegetable, Butts following at his heels. 'Go for it, Ted! he yelled, and the two rushed over the flat ground, up the hill, and across the thinly-timbered bush to the road.

We started from Esquipula early next morning, and crossed low thinly-timbered hills and savannahs to Pital, a scattered settlement of many small thatched houses, close to the borders of the great forest; on the edge of which were clearings, made for growing maize, which is cultivated entirely on burnt forest land.