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It was morally impossible that those two men could speak what they were thinking, for one of them was a Jesuit. The Provincial, however, made the first move, and the Englishman often wondered in later days what his intention might have been. He walked on to the northern end of the garden, where a few thick-stemmed pear trees were trained against the wall.

Stem oval in shape, broad at the base, 4 in. high, unbranched; tubercles swollen, ½ in. long, deep green, cone-shaped, becoming flattened through pressure of growth. Spines set in a tuft of white hairs, falling off from the lowest mammae, as happens in many of the thick-stemmed kinds.

The house was ablaze with candles Bessie had persuaded Isabelle to dispense with the electric light and bunches of heavy, thick-stemmed roses filled the vases. A large silver tray of decanters and cocktails was placed in the hall beside the blazing fire.

It has a trefoiled head; with a round moulding at the angle resting on the capitals of thin shafts. Beyond a broad hollow over which straggles a very realistic and thick-stemmed plant is a large round moulding springing from larger shafts and concentric with the inner.

They did so when suddenly they drew back, and we saw before us, on the side of an open glade, under a thick-stemmed tree, a rude hut, and just before it, on the ground, two men, wretched, haggard creatures. On drawing nearer we discovered that the forms alone of the men were there, the spirit had fled.