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As Captain B. was riding along with the doctor, they remarked a cannon-ball among some ruins; but, being told a saint was buried there, they got out of the way as quick as if a deadly serpent had been discovered. Stretching away to the left, we saw a portion of the remains of the Carthaginian aqueduct. The march was only from six to eight miles, and the encampment at Tfeefleeah.

Sidi Mohammed. Plain of Manouba. Tunis. Tfeefleeah. The Bastinado. Turkish Infantry. Kairwan. Sidi Amour Abeda. Saints. A French Spy Administration of Justice. The Bey's presents. The Hobara. Ghafsa. Hot streams containing Fish. Snakes. Incantation. Moorish Village. Toser. The Bey's Palace. Blue Doves. The town described. Industry of the People. Sheikh Tahid imprisoned and punished. Leghorn.

We left Tfeefleeah early, and went in search of wild-boar; found only their tracks, but saw plenty of partridges and hares; the ground being covered with brushwood and heath, we soonæ lost sight of them. The Arabs were seen on a sudden running and galloping in all directions, shouting and pointing to a hill, when a huge beast was put up, bristling and bellowing, which turned out to be a hyæna.

Tour in the Jereed of Captain Balfour and Mr. Reade. Sidi Mohammed. Plain of Manouba. Tunis. Tfeefleeah. The Bastinado. Turkish Infantry. Kairwan. Sidi Amour Abeda. Saints. A French Spy Administration of Justice. The Bey's presents. The Hobara. Ghafsa. Hot streams containing Fish. Snakes. Incantation. Moorish Village. The tourists were Captain Balfour, of the 88th Regiment, and Mr.