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His flight. His relations with the Naymans. Debates among the Naymans. Tayian. Plan of the chieftains. Vang Khan beheaded. Tayian's deceit. Disposal made of his head. Sankum slain. A grand council was now called of all the confederates who were leagued with Temujin, at a place called Mankerule, to make arrangements for a vigorous prosecution of the war.

These Yemuka took care to represent in the most unfavorable light, in order to increase as much as possible Tayian's feelings of suspicion and jealousy. He represented Temujin as a very ambitious man, full of schemes for his own aggrandizement, and without any sentiments of gratitude or of honor to restrain him in the execution of them.

Yemuka was chief in command on Tayian's side. He was assisted by a young prince, the son of Tayian, whose name was Kushluk. On the other hand, Jughi, the young son of Temujin, who had been brought forward at the council, was appointed to a very prominent position on his father's side.

The victory complete. Exaggeration. The plunder. Great accession. The khans submit. Sankum and Yemuka. Hakembu and his daughter. Hakembu's fears. Temujin's gratitude. His reply. Yemuka makes his escape. Arrives in Tayian's dominions. Tayian's conversations with Yemuka. Yemuka's representations of Temujin's character. Plots formed. Alakus. The plots revealed to Temujin. He is deceived.

These representations, acting upon Tayian's natural apprehensions and fears, produced a very sensible effect, and at length Tayian was induced to take some measures for defending himself from the threatened danger.

So he went to Karakorom, and there, during the course of the winter, formed the constitution of his new empire, and made arrangements for convening a grand assembly of the khans the next spring, as related in the last chapter. In the mean time, Tukta Bey and the Prince Kushluk were very kindly received by Boyrak, Tayian's brother.

These broken troops Yemuka had reorganized, as well as he could, by collecting the scattered remnants and rearranging the broken squadrons, and in this manner, accompanied by such of the sick and wounded as were able to ride, had arrived in Tayian's dominions. He was known to be a general of great abilities, and he was very favorably received in Tayian's court.