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To the commanding General it seemed an age before the old man returned. Then he saw him in the darkness afar off, before he reached the headquarters. The General thought of death on his pale horse and shivered. "Granbury, Carter, Strahl all dead, General," he said. "Colonels command divisions, Captains are commanding brigades." "How does Cheatham estimate his loss?" asked the General.

"Tell Granbury, Carter, Strahl General! Throw them in there and capture that battery and break that line." The old man vanished once more and rode into the shock and shout of battle. General Strahl was leading his brigade again against the breastworks.

General Carter fell mortally wounded before reaching the breastworks, but General Strahl reached the ditch, filled with dead and dying men, though his entire staff had been killed. Here he stood with only two men around him, Cunningham and Brown. "Keep firing" said Strahl as he stood on the bodies of the dead and passed up guns to the two privates.

The physiological work of this important embryonic organ, the nutrition of the foetus during its long sojourn in the womb, is accomplished in the various groups of the Placentals by very different and sometimes very elaborate structures. They have lately been fully described by Hans Strahl.

The next instant Brown fell heavily; he, too, was dead. "What shall I do, General?" asked Cunningham. "Keep firing," said Strahl. Again Cunningham fired. "Pass me another gun, General," said Cunningham. There was no answer the general was dead. Not a hundred yards away lay General Granbury, dead. He died leading the brave Texans to the works.

Not who was the best general, or colonel, or captain but "who ranked?" I desire to state that they left the army on account of rank. O, this thing of rank! Many other generals resigned, and left us privates in the lurch. But the gallant Cheatham, Cleburne, Granberry, Gist, Strahl, Adams, John C. Brown, William B. Bate, Stewart, Lowery, and others, stuck to us to the last.