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The first specimen brought to Europe was called Ceratophora Stoddartii, after the name of its finder; and the recent discovery of several others in the National Collection has enabled me, by the aid of Dr. A. Günther, to add some important facts to their history.

Kelaart, and now in the British Museum, there is one which so remarkably differs from C. Stoddartii, that it attracted my attention, by the peculiar form of this rostral appendage. Dr. Günther pronounced it to be a new species; and Dr. Gray concurring in this opinion, they have done me the honour to call it Ceratophora Tennentii.

Ceratophora Stoddartii. There are other and much more remarkable differences between the sexes of certain lizards. The male of Ceratophora aspera bears on the extremity of his snout an appendage half as long as the head. It is cylindrical, covered with scales, flexible, and apparently capable of erection: in the female it is quite rudimental.

Celibacy, unknown among the savages of South Africa and South America. Centipedes. Cephalopoda, absence of secondary sexual characters in. Cephalopterus ornatus. Cephalopterus penduliger. Cerambyx heros, stridulant organ of. Ceratodus, paddle of. Ceratophora aspera, nasal appendages of. Ceratophora Stoddartii, nasal horn of. Cerceris, habits of. Cercocebus aethiops, whiskers, etc., of.