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"You really miss " "I wish I were a poet, so I could tell you adequately. But you haven't said you missed me, Claire. Didn't you, a teeny bit? Wouldn't it have been tolerable to have poor old Jeff along, to drive down dangerous hills " "And fill grease-cups! Nasty and stickum on the fingers!" "Yes, I'd have done that, too. And invented surprises along the way. I'm a fine surpriser!

She sat over her pressed flowers, which she handled with much skill, while she revolved these thoughts in her mind. She was busy with her columbines, a large folio of which lay on a table near by. At her left hand was a pile of square cards with scalloped edges, upon which the columbines were to be affixed; at her right was a small glass window-pane smeared with what she called "stickum."

I have a big drive tomorrow, some fifty miles, and you will get all you want for one day's work." "Yes; that will be fine." "What is your friend here to do?" "I am the paste-maker," answered Teddy with a sheepish grin. "I make the stickum stuff for this outfit." "A nice job," jeered the assistant manager. "You will get all you want of that work in about thirty minutes.

As she deftly lifted the flowers, one by one, without ever breaking a fragile petal, she laid each first upon the "stickum"-covered square of glass and then upon the Bristol-board. She was skilful in always placing the flower precisely where it was to remain upon the page, so that the white surface was kept unstained.

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