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Every moment, right before our eyes, nature arrives at identical results, in sometimes neighboring species, by entirely different embryogenic processes. Observations of "heteroblastia" have multiplied in late years, and it has been necessary to reject the almost classical theory of the specificity of embryonic gills.

Over the next months, we believe further steps should be taken to refine Rapid Dominance and to develop "paper" systems and force designs that will add crucial specificity to this concept.

The dynamic result is the same the principal difference being the greater suddenness and the absolute specificity of the pain stimuli as compared with the more complex and less peremptory stimuli of the emotions.

From these assumptions, certain operational criteria follow that help to define a Rapid Dominance Force with more specificity in improving: Intelligence, indications, and warning on an aggressor's actions The length of time required for a decision to react Decisive responses at various levels and times after the crises or conflict begins to develop: Respond in 1 to 3 days with air and missile strikes and special forces Respond in 5 to 10 days with more massive power up to and including a joint task force of corps size Respond in 10 to 30 days with a second corps

It should be noted that in every instance the muscular activity resulting from pain is specific in its type, its distribution, and its intensity, this specificity being true not only of pain which is the result of external stimulation, but also of the pain associated with certain types of infection.