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The first thing that happens is that he himself conquers what lies hidden in his lower soul-principles, and this is effected through the work which the ego carries on within the soul. How man is engaged in this work becomes evident if we compare a high-minded idealist with a person who is still given up to low desires and so-called sensual pleasures.

The soul-principles are: the sentient-soul, the intellectual- or rational-soul, the consciousness-soul. It is in the soul that the ego diffuses its light. Of a spiritual nature are: the Spirit-Self, the Life-Spirit, the Spirit-Man. It follows from what was said above that the sentient-soul and the astral body are closely united and in a certain sense are one.

Owing to this activity, the perception of the ego in the consciousness-soul possesses an entirely different meaning for man from that conveyed by the observation of all that reaches him through the three bodily principles and the two other soul-principles.

The power which reveals the ego in the consciousness-soul is in fact the same power which manifests everywhere else in the world; only in the body and the lower soul-principles it does not come forth directly, but is manifested little by little in its effects. The lowest manifestation is through the physical body, thence a gradual ascent is made to that which fills the intellectual soul.