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Far more than an opportunity, a snopportunity was something to be snapped up quickly, the sort of thing that ordinarily happened behind one's back, usually discovered too late to be made use of. "I've caught it!" She remembered that the clocks had stopped, yet not knowing why she remembered it. It was the thing she didn't know she knew. She knew it before it happened. That was a snopportunity.

It was a water-fowl, a creature whose mysterious habit of living upon the surface of the pond as well as underneath made the children's nick-name a necessity. And now it was attempting a raid on land as well. But land was not its natural place. Something certainly had happened, or was going to happen. "It's a snopportunity," decided Judy instantly.

"Of course," he whispered, deliciously enchanted. "You've got it. It's the snopportunity! The great thing is to look." And, as if to prove him right, a flock of birds passed sweeping through the air above their heads, paused in mid-flight, wheeled, fluttered noisily a second, then scattered in all directions like leaves whirled by an eddy of loose, autumn wind.

He looked at them. It was otherwise. "It's so long since I played this kind of hide-and-seek," he murmured. "I've rather forgotten " He stopped short. There certainly was a difficulty. Nobody knew in what direction to begin. "It's a snopportunity," exclaimed Judy. "I'm sure of that!" "We just look everywhere!" cried Tim. A light broke over their uncle's face as if a ray of sunshine touched it.