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There are three distinct forms of this shrub the first, C. Siliquastrum alba, having pure white flowers; C. Siliquastrum carnea, with beautiful deep pink flowers; and C. Siliquastrum variegata, with neatly variegated foliage, though rather inconstant of character. Natives of South Europe, and amongst the oldest trees of our gardens.

In so muche that the Ambassadours of Cambises, when thei came thether, found the prisoners in the gaole fettred and tied with Chaines of golde. Some of theim sowe a kinde of graine called Sesamus, and other the delicate Lothom. Thei haue greate plenty of Hebenum, a woode muche like Guaiacum, and of Siliquastrum. Thei hunte Elephantes and kyll them to eate.

It varies very much in the size and shape of the leaves. CERCIS CANADENSIS. North America, 1730. This species resembles C. Siliquastrum, but is of much smaller growth, and bears paler flowers; while C. CHINENSIS, which is not hardy, has large, rosy-pink flowers. C. SILIQUASTRUM. Judas Tree. South Europe, 1596.

He didn't particularly relish the suggestion that the pulpit ought to be fairly certain of its facts, whether of theology or of science, in these days; but he succumbed to the submission of authority for the statement that the Eastern so-called Judas-tree, Cercis siliquastrum, bore a small pod, like a bean, and was not unpleasant, any more than the pod was attractive.