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Upon the life and movement of a powerful creation fell the silence of death. How he followed out this idea in his subsequent investigations will be seen hereafter. Summer Station on the Glacier of the Aar. Hotel des Neuchatelois. Members of the Party. Work on the Glacier. Ascent of the Strahleck and the Siedelhorn. Visit to England. Search for Glacial Remains in Great Britain. Roads of Glen Roy.

I worked pretty hard, paying a visit, for instance, to the Faulhorn, which at that time was considered a very difficult mountain to climb. When I reached the hospice on the Grimsel by the Hasli Thal, I asked the host, a fine, stately-looking man, about the ascent of the Siedelhorn.

After a short rest at the Hospice of the Grimsel, Agassiz returned with two or three of his companions to their hut on the Aar glacier for the purpose of driving stakes into the holes previously bored in the ice. He hoped by means of these stakes to learn the following year what had been the rate of movement of the glacier. The summer's work closed with the ascent of the Siedelhorn.

At the top of the Siedelhorn I was delighted to catch a glimpse, on one side, of the centre of the Alps, whose giant backs alone were turned to us; and on the other side, a sudden panorama of the Italian Alps, with Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa.