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Updated: August 25, 2024
The removing these people now they are settled, will be their utter ruin, the particular circumstances of which they have set forth in their Memorial to the Lords of Trade, which we beg the favor of you to present to them, and are with great Respect, Sir, your most obedient and very Humble Servts., Chas. Morris, Henry Newton. Joshua Mauger, Esqr.
We have arrngd for your being forded, carriage free, pr eight o'clock coach from Reading, on Monday morning next, to White Horse Cellar, Piccadilly, London, where one of our clks will be in waiting to convey you to our offe as above. We are, Madam, Your obedt Servts, Kenge and Carboy Miss Esther Summerson Oh, never, never, never shall I forget the emotion this letter caused in the house!
You that are verteous rise! you that have fathers! Ho, Master Provost! ô my deerest father. Some Surgeons, Surgeons! Enter Provost & Servts. Prov. 'Twas the Boyes voice, certaine. Ser. What bloody sight is this? 'has killd himself: Dead, stone-cold dead; he needs no art of Surgeons. Prov. Take of the Boy. Boy. O let me dwell here ever. Prov.
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