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It was enough that you should have shared so liberally in the rains and portages of our voyage; that you should have had so hard a paddle to recover the derelict "Arethusa" on the flooded Oise: and that you should thenceforth have piloted a mere wreck of mankind to Origny Sainte-Benoîte and a supper so eagerly desired.

The lamps were lighted, and the salads were being made in Origny Sainte-Benoîte by the river. Although we came late for dinner, the company at table treated us to sparkling wine. "That is how we are in France," said one. "Those who sit down with us are our friends." And the rest applauded. They were three altogether, and an odd trio to pass the Sunday with.

Would the wicked river drag me down by the heels, indeed? and look so beautiful all the time? Nature's good-humour was only skin-deep after all. There was still a long way to go by the winding course of the stream, and darkness had fallen, and a late bell was ringing in Origny Sainte-Benoîte, when we arrived.

Would the wicked river drag me down by the heels, indeed? and look so beautiful all the time? Nature's good-humour was only skin-deep after all. There was still a long way to go by the winding course of the stream, and darkness had fallen, and a late bell was ringing in Origny Sainte-Benoite, when we arrived.

The lamps were lighted, and the salads were being made in Origny Sainte-Benoite by the river. Although we came late for dinner, the company at table treated us to sparkling wine. 'That is how we are in France, said one. 'Those who sit down with us are our friends. And the rest applauded. They were three altogether, and an odd trio to pass the Sunday with.