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The Swetnams were more rollickingly demonstrative. Now that the drawing-room was quite thickly populated, Hilda, made nervous by Mr. Orgreave's jocular insinuation that she herself was the object of the Swetnams' call, took refuge, first with Janet, and then, as Janet was drawn into the general crowd, with Charlie, who was absently turning over the pages of "In Memoriam."

He threw a newspaper at the censorious suit-case and, much relieved, went to bed to dream that he was a rabbit making enormously amusing jests, at which he laughed rollickingly in half-dream, till he realized that he was being awakened by the sound of long sobs from the room of Istra Nash. Afternoon; Mr. Wrenn in his room.

That was why, at twelve o'clock punctually on this Spring day, he tapped with his cane on R. Jones' ground glass, and showed such satisfaction and relief when the door was opened by the proprietor in person. "Well, well, well!" said R. Jones rollickingly. "Whom have we here? The dashing bridegroom-to-be, and no other!"

Presently the door flew open, and the vocalist entered in person, clad in a pink bathrobe and very tousled and rosy from the tub. "Many happy returns of the day, Boots, old thing!" Reggie burst rollickingly into song. "I'm twenty-one today! Twenty-one today! I've got the key of the door! Never been twenty-one before! And father says I can do what I like! So shout Hip-hip-hooray!

But such was my uplifted mood that I waved it aside and slipped him the good news. "Tuppy, old man, the Bassett's going to marry Gussie Fink-Nottle." "Tough luck on both of them, what?" "But don't you understand? Don't you see what this means? It means that Angela is once more out of pawn, and you have only to play your cards properly " He bellowed rollickingly. I saw now that he was in the pink.