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It has a very branching habit quite from the base like a well-grown bush of the common wallflower. The flowers are abundant, about inches across, with a black disk. The plant, though a true herb, never comes up in my garden with more than one stalk each year. H. rigidus is well known as the best of the perennial sunflowers, and has many synonyms, the commonest Harpalium rigidum.

We are warned that the following species are "difficult of extrication," either confluent or mixed by intercrossing. H. doronicoides. I place this the third in merit among perennial sunflowers, H. rigidus and H. multiflorus being first and second. It is 6 feet or 7 feet high, upright in growth, with many stalks.

C. RIGIDUS. Another Californian species, is of upright, stiff growth, a sub-evergreen, with deep purple flowers produced in April and May. There are other less hardy kinds, including C. floribundus, C. integerrimus, C. velutinus, and C. divaricatus. China, 1875. This is a fast growing tree, closely resembling the Ailanthus, and evidently quite as hardy.

The flowers are rather small, not more than 9 inches across, but so durable and so well displayed by the numerous spreading branches as to make the plant very useful for late decoration. I own that I cannot identify this plant with the lætiflorus of Asa Gray, which he tells us resembles tall forms of H. rigidus, with rough stalks, and bears flowers with numerous rays inches long.