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Updated: September 6, 2024
Represse the proud, maintaining aye the right; Walk always so, as ever in his sight, Who guards the godly, plaguing the prophane. The poems of James I. are the versifications of a man of learning and meditation. Such an one could not fail of producing lines which reflect the mind of their author. I find in a MS. these couplets, which condense an impressive thought on a favourite subject:
To what a point am I now driven? What shall I do? Whither shall I goe? How shall I represse this beast? Shall I aske ayd of myne enemy Sobriety, whom I have often offended to engender thee? Or shall I seeke for counsel of every poore rusticall woman? When shee had spoken these words shee departed in a great rage out of her chamber.
As for example, Iuuenal maketh this Aruiragus, of whom we now intreat, to reigne about Domitians time. Aruiragus denieth subiection to the Romans, Vespasian is sent to represse him and his power, the Romane host is kept backe from landing, queene Genissa pacifieth them after a sharpe conflict: & what the Romane writers say of Vespasians being in Britaine, the end of Aruiragus. Cornel.
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