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Ze material mus all ze same be remof." "I am an American citizen," interrupted Cabot, "and I forbid you to touch my property. If you do so I shall claim damages through the American government, and in the meantime I shall call on the British frigate now in this bay for protection." "For ze Americains I do not care," cried the Frenchman, assuming a theatrical attitude. "For l'Anglais, pouf!

I also care not. When it is my duty I do him. Ze material mus be remof. Allons, mes garçons." A dozen French bluejackets, armed with cutlasses and pistols, had gathered behind their leader, and now these sprang forward with a shout, clearing a way through the collected throng of villagers. Advancing upon the main entrance to the factory, they quickly battered down its door and rushed inside.

"Sir!" cried the French lieutenant, the moment order was so far restored that he could make himself heard, "I am bidden by my commandant, ze Chevalier Charmian, capitan de frigate 'Isla, to remof all material from zis building, and in his name I protest against zis mos outrage interference."

"So, Monsieur Baldwin," continued the officer, when he had finished the reading, "you will gif to me ze key of your factory zat I may from it remof ze materiel. I sall also take your schooner for to convey it to ze factory of M. Delom. Is it plain, ma intention?" "Your intention is only too plain," responded White.