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Updated: August 29, 2024
He came to London, and on meeting Senor Previ, offered to accompany him to Spain. The two brethren earnestly requested the prayers of the meeting for their new and difficult work." The prayers here offered were more than answered. The first labourer has fallen in the field, but others have filled the ranks, and the light kindled in a dark place is now shining brightly.
One of the visitors was about to offer a bouquet to the Spaniard, Senor Previ, when the nurse remarked, 'It's of no use giving him a text, for he is a Roman Catholic, and besides he can't speak a word of English. 'Never mind, was the reply, 'I will offer him a bunch of flowers, and then see what I can do. But what about a text?
"Senor Previ then told us how, after studying that Bible for several months, the eyes of his soul were opened to see Jesus as the 'one Mediator. Thus was fulfilled that promise so precious to all seed-sowers? 'My Word shall not return unto Me void. "Soon afterwards he entered Mr.
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