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"Extinxti te meque, soror, populumque, patresqne Sidonios, urbemque tuam." The prediction was but too just. Finding Pitt impracticable, the Duke of Cumberland advised the King to submit to necessity, and to keep Grenville and the Bedfords. It was, indeed, not a time at which offices could safely be left vacant.

Come, try." "Well, I'll try," said Alfred, sneering secretly. "Let me see 'Mum mum mum populumque potentem, In sua victrici conversum viscera dextra." "Quite right; now go on, if you can." Alfred, who was playing with his examiner all this time, pretended to cudgel his brains, then went on, and warmed involuntarily with the lines

No, I take it that his kinsmen bodily withstood his departure, whereas the crowd populumque the democracy stood about futilely pitying him and getting in the way. Now for that noblest of endings quam si clientum, and King ran off into the quotation: 'As though some tedious business o'er Of clients' court, his journey lay Towards Venafrum's grassy floor Or Sparta-built Tarentum's bay.

It was as follows: 'Gratias tibi agimus, Deus misericors, pro acceptis a tua bonitate alimentis; enixe comprecantes ut serenissimum nostrum Regem Georgium, totam regiam familiam, populumque tuum universum tuta in pace semper custodies. Sharp was murdered on May 3, 1679, in a moor near St. Andrews.