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The species to be described belong to ten families, and will be given in the following order: Bignoniaceae, Polemoniaceae, Leguminosae, Compositae, Smilaceae, Fumariaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Vitaceae, Sapindaceae, Passifloraceae. BIGNONIACEAE. This family contains many tendril-bearers, some twiners, and some root-climbers. The tendrils always consist of modified leaves.

When a small brush, for instance, was placed near a tendril, the tips of each sub-branch seized one, two, or three of the bristles; and then the spiral contraction of the several branches brought all these little parcels close together, so that thirty or forty bristles were drawn into a single bundle, which afforded an excellent support. POLEMONIACEAE. Cobaea scandens.

POLEMONIACEAE Cobaea scandens much branched and hooked tendrils, their manner of action LEGUMINOSAE COMPOSITAE SMILACEAE Smilax aspera, its inefficient tendrils FUMARIACEAE Corydalis claviculata, its state intermediate between that of a leaf-climber and a tendril-bearer. By tendrils I mean filamentary organs, sensitive to contact and used exclusively for climbing.

It deserves notice that certain orders were far more injured than others: nine Leguminosae were tried, and, with one exception, they resisted the salt-water badly; seven species of the allied orders, Hydrophyllaceae and Polemoniaceae, were all killed by a month's immersion.