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Hay is supplied by another kind of Ghasswallah, who does not keep a pony, but brings the daily allowance on his head. That allowance is five polees for each horse. A polee is a bundle of grass about as thick as a tree, and as long as a bit of string. This hay merchant does a large business, and used to send in a monthly bill to each of his constituents in due form, thus:

On another occasion a man came running up the stairs of the Hall and thrust his way into a meeting of the Committee one of those normally happy, irresponsible Syrians who, because of a love for holidays, are the despair of mill overseers. Now he was dazed, breathless, his great eyes grief-stricken like a wounded animal's. "She is killidd, my wife de polees, dey killidd her!"

On another occasion a man came running up the stairs of the Hall and thrust his way into a meeting of the Committee one of those normally happy, irresponsible Syrians who, because of a love for holidays, are the despair of mill overseers. Now he was dazed, breathless, his great eyes grief-stricken like a wounded animal's. "She is killidd, my wife de polees, dey killidd her!"

On another occasion a man came running up the stairs of the Hall and thrust his way into a meeting of the Committee one of those normally happy, irresponsible Syrians who, because of a love for holidays, are the despair of mill overseers. Now he was dazed, breathless, his great eyes grief-stricken like a wounded animal's. "She is killidd, my wife de polees, dey killidd her!"