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"And why mayn't I be an exceptional woman?" Beth asked, smiling. "Coarse and masculine!" Dan exclaimed. "No, thank you. We don't want you to be one of that kind do we, Galbraith?" "There is not the slightest fear," Sir George answered dryly. "Besides, I don't think any class of women workers not even the pit-brow women are necessarily coarse and masculine.

A published account of the pageant, after describing the delegations of teachers, nurses, doctors, journalists, artists, authors, house workers, factory women, stenographers, and others well known here, says: Then the ranks opened, and down the long aisle came the chain makers who work at the forge, and the pit-brow women from the mines, women whose faces have been blackened by smoke and coal dust until they can never be washed white.... To these women, the hardest workers in the land, were given the seats of honor, while behind them, gladly taking a subordinate place, were many women wearing gowns with scarlet and purple hoods, indicating their university degrees.

We hold them at the pit-brow; we hold them everywhere that men and women are working and suffering and hoping for a better time. With that Miss Ernestine sat down. They applauded her lustily; they revelled in laughing praise, yielding to a glow that they imagined to be pure magnanimity.