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All without distinction were branded as fanatics and phantasts; not only those, whose wild and exorbitant imaginations had actually engendered only extravagant and grotesque phantasms, and whose productions were, for the most part, poor copies and gross caricatures of genuine inspiration; but the truly inspired likewise, the originals themselves.

Life is something of which the streets are oblivious. But here on the gargoyle shelves, the high, shadowed shelves of the old book store truth stands in all its terrible reality, wrapped in its authentic habiliments. Dr. Hickson of the psychopathic laboratory would give these curious rainy day phantasts identities as weird as the volumes they caress. But the old book store clerk is more kind.

So he read with unction political speeches and art reviews denouncing the phantasts of his day, and from them he borrowed elaborate invective. Yet his invective seemed like a vague defense of himself who should need no defense and thus again doubt raised a dim triumph in his heart. "Yes, I'm a reactionary," he would say. "I'm for the good old things of life. Things that mean something."

As for the rag-tag, ruffle-snuffle crowd in motley the bulged, spavined, sniffling crew of mountebanks, troubadours, swashbucklers, bleary philosophers, phantasts and adventurers they set up a veritable witches' chorus. Or it may be the rain again lashing against the streaming windows of the book store. People come in out of the rain. A girl without an umbrella, her face wet. Who?