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I like here, and I like Cotton, and I like home pretty well, and I love Pendridny and I like Ravensham." "His lordship is going to Ravensham to-day on his way up, I heard say." "Oh! then he'll see great-granny. William " "Here's Miss Wallace." From the doorway a lady with a broad pale patient face said: "Come, Ann." "All right! Hallo, Simmons!" The entering butler replied: "Hallo, Miss Ann!"

The matter was one in connection with his Pendridny estate, in Cornwall. It had long agitated both his agent and himself, and had now come to him for final decision. The question affected two villages to the north of the property, whose inhabitants were solely dependent on the working of a large quarry, which had for some time been losing money.

But, reduced to its essentials, the matter stood thus: Apart from that particular quarry the Pendridny estate was not only a going, but even a profitable concern, supporting itself and supplying some of the sinews of war towards Valleys House and the racing establishment at Newmarket and other general expenses; with this quarry still running, allowing for the upkeep of Pendridny, and the provision of pensions to superannuated servants, it was rather the other way.

Since Lord Valleys continued to bend on his nails that slow, thought-forming stare, she went on earnestly: "Rather than that I'd make sacrifices. I'd sooner Pendridny were let than throw all those people out of work. I suppose it would let." "Let? Best woodcock shooting in the world." Lady Valleys, pursuing her thoughts, went on: "In time we might get the people drafted into other things.