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I awake from my reckless boyhood my unworthy palterings with my better self. If Gawtrey be as I dread to find him if he be linked in some guilty and hateful traffic; with that loathsome accomplice I will " He paused, for his heart whispered, "Well, and even so, the guilty man clothed and fed thee!"

Yet had we come to the boat while still in the lowering mood begotten of our intemperate palterings with the dawn we must have yielded quickly to the infectious cheerfulness which obtained on board the Gladiateur. Even a Grey Penitent would have been moved, coming unawares into that gay company, to throw off his cagoule and to dance a saraband.

The war-worn soldier has little heart for boasting, but he may be able to say, 'I have not been beaten. The best of us, when we come to the end, will have to recognise in retrospect failures, deficiencies, palterings with evil, yieldings to temptation, sins of many sorts, that will put all boasting out of our thoughts.

At last I learned the lesson of this abrupt ending to the dream at the point of full disillusion; it forced itself upon me with the power of an oracular utterance warning me to cease my palterings with fate. My reason now rebuked me like a stern judge, dissecting all false pleas and laying bare their weakness.

I awake from my reckless boyhood my unworthy palterings with my better self. If Gawtrey be as I dread to find him if he be linked in some guilty and hateful traffic; with that loathsome accomplice I will " He paused, for his heart whispered, "Well, and even so, the guilty man clothed and fed thee!"