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"We have been just planning how to confiscate a keg of claret, which Nips, the purser, keeps under his bunk. The old nipcheese lies there drunk half the day, and there's no getting at it." "Let's get beneath the state-room and bore through the deck, and so tap it," said Lankey. The proposition was received with a shout of applause.

"We have just been planning how to confiscate a keg of claret, which Nips, the purser, keeps under his bunk. The old nipcheese lies there drunk half the day, and there's no getting at it." "Let's get beneath the stateroom and bore through the deck, and so tap it," said Lankey. The proposition was received with a shout of applause.

In those days the Quality were very rich in their deaths; and, for my part, I dissent from the starveling and nipcheese performances of modern funerals.

"Yes; nipcheese means purser of the ship you'll find all that out by-and-by; you've got lots to larn, and, by way of a hint, make him your friend if you can, for he earwigs the captain in fine style."

I followed Mr Culpepper down stairs, who desired me to remain with the coxswain, who was standing under the archway, while he spoke to the captain's steward. "Well," said Bob Cross, "what's the ticket, youngster, are you to go abroad with me?" "No," said I; "I am to stay on shore with that old chap, who does nothing but bob his head up and down. Who is he?" "That's our nipcheese." "Nipcheese!"