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When they arrived at the house of our Lord Salomon, the latter said to the griffin, "I told you that the young girl and the young man should be united." Full of shame the griffin immediately fled and took refuge in an island. One day Mouley Mahomet summoned Sidi Adjille to come to Morocco, or he would put him in prison.

There are 750 houses; the number of books in the mosque is 130 in the Chelha language. The sheik Sidi Hammad, son of Mahomet Mouley Ben-Nacer, has written his book in Amazir. It is entitled the "Kitab-amazir." This work treats of obligations and traditions of things permitted and forbidden. There are 3,500 men in the Aglou country. They have 2,200 houses and 960 horses.

The same Mouley Adaram, whom I have already mentioned, lives at this day wandering in the Desert, and among his banditti, in consequence of having fallen a victim to his father's covetousness. I do not know if this young prince has ever shown any good qualities, but in the Desert he is only considered as a barbarous prince, who will prove a very cruel tyrant, if ever he mounts the throne.

The people were curious to know how she had so quickly acquired a fortune. There was a rich man, the possessor of much property. He was called Mouley Ismail. They said to Omm Khalifah: "You are the mistress of Mouley Ismail, and he gives you pieces of money." She answered, "Never have I been his mistress." One day, when she went to the spring to bathe, the people followed her until she arrived.

During the reign of Sidi Mouley Soliman he built the city as it is at present. He increased it, and said to the Christians: "You must bring me cannons, mortars, and powder, and I will give you in exchange wheat, oil, wool, and whatever you desire." The Christians answered: "Most willingly, we shall return with our products." They brought him cannons, mortars, and powder.