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Moreover, I've heard say that there's a talk about sellin' baccy on board of the mission-ships cheaper than what they do aboard o' the copers. Did any of 'ee hear o' that?" "I heard somethin' about it," answered Luke, "but it's too good news to be true. If they do, it'll drive the copers off the sea." "Of course it will. That's just what they're a-goin' to do it for, I suppose."

There are still in those fleets thousands of men and boys who derive no benefit from the Mission vessels already sent out, because they belong to fleets to which Mission-ships have not yet been attached; and it is the earnest prayer of those engaged in the good work that liberal-minded Christians may send funds to enable them not only to carry on, but to extend, their operations in this interesting field of labour.

"Shall the devil have his mission-ships, whose crews are not afraid to face the winter gales, and shall the servants of the Lord be mere fair-weather Christians, carrying their blessed and all-important message of love and peace to these hard-working and almost forsaken men only during a summer-trip to the North Sea?

Knowing my condition and desires, that excellent man the chaplain, who took me out in his steam-launch the day I got the first shot of this illness, had made known my case to the Director of the Mission to Deep-Sea Fishermen, and he has kindly agreed to let me go a trip to the North Sea in one of the mission-ships, on the understanding that I shall do as much of a missionary's work as I am fit for when there."