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"The trouble, Sir," said I, "was of your own choice,-not mine." And I walked round to the other side of Madame Duval. Perhaps I was too proud;-but I could not endure that Sir Clement, whose eyes followed him with looks of the most surprised curiosity, should witness his unwelcome familiarity. Upon my removal he came up to me, and, in a low voice, said, "You are not, then, with the Mirvans?"

Walsingham: "abhorring the rough, brutal, swearing, grog-drinking, tobacco-chewing, race of sea-officers, the Bens and the Mirvans of former times, Captain Jemmison, resolving, I suppose, to avoid their faults, went into the contrary extreme of refinement and effeminacy.

"Indeed,-I don't know." "Not know!-But do you return to the Mirvans any more?" "I-I can't tell, Sir." And then I addressed myself to Madame Duval, with such a pretended earnestness, that he was obliged to be silent.

And go, indeed, he did; but he returned in a moment, telling me that the rain was more violent than ever, and that he had sent his servants to offer their assistance, and acquaint the Mirvans of my situation. I was very mad that he would not go himself; but as my acquaintance with him was so very slight, I did not think proper to urge him contrary to his inclination.