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In spite of continued sinking, amounting to several thousand feet, the sea might in time have been rendered shallow by the growth of coral, had not its conversion into land or swampy ground been accelerated by the pouring in of sand and the advance of the delta accompanied with such fluviatile and brackish-water formations as are common in lagoons. A. Anticlinal axis of Minudie.

But if we travel northward towards Minudie from the region of the coal- seams and buried forests, we find the dip of the coal-strata increasing from an angle of 18 degrees to one of more than 40 degrees, lower beds being continually exposed to view until we reach the anticlinal axis A and see the lower Carboniferous formation, No. 2, at the surface.

One evening in the first of the autumn, when here and there on the dark Minudie hills could be seen the scarlet gleam of an early-turning maple, just as the bay had become a sheet of glowing copper under the sunset, a rosy sail appeared on the horizon. The pacing sentry on the brow of Beausejour stopped to watch it.

As the sun went down the fleet cast anchor under the high bluffs of Far Ouestkawk, not three leagues from Beausejour. As the next dawn was breaking over the Minudie hills there arrived at the fort a little party of wearied Acadians, who had hastened up from Chepody to give warning. Instantly all Beausejour became a scene of excitement.