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Gas-carbon operates admirably, but the best carbon is that known as willow-charcoal, used by artists in sketching, and when this is impregnated with minute globules of mercury by heating it white-hot and quenching it in liquid mercury, it is in a highly sensitive microphonic condition.

That which I had thought to be distilled silence, was microphonic Babel an intimate commingling of analogous noises varying in quality and intensity.

Mike's muttering; the clipped, staccato conversation of the power crew; the noises of the tools; the deep throb of the ship itself; the underlying oddness of the engine vibrations all these were fed into his microphonic ears. The scene itself was transmitted to his brain and recorded. The cryotronic maze in the depths of the ship chewed the whole thing over. Snookums acted.

Munro has, moreover, observed that if two pieces of gauze of identical material and in microphonic contact be heated, a peculiar sighing sound is heard in a telephone connected with them and with a battery, and he attributes this phenomenon to the electrical discharge between the gauze plates being facilitated and increased by the action of heat, but we are rather inclined to trace the effect to the mechanical action of the one gauze moving over the other under the influence of expansion and contraction of the metals by the variable temperature of the flame and convection currents of heated air, such movement producing the sounds just as would be produced if one of the electrodes of an ordinary microphone were as delicately moved by the hand or other agent.