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In the afternoon I strolled into Regent's Park and meeting the McMurray's nine-year-old son in charge of the housemaid, around whom seemed to be hovering a sheepish individual in a bowler hat, I took him off to the Zoological Gardens.

"No, sur; no, sur; I didn't, sur; but a child would know that. Now look here at the plans." "Just a minute, Mr. McMurray," broke in the architect, suavely. "Let me explain. You see, Father, I was your representative both as architect and superintendent of the building. I know that McMurray's bill of extras is right. I passed on them and everything he did was necessary.

This sign of literary taste surprised me. But I soon found it was the second volume of my edition de luxe of Louandre's Les Arts Somptuaires, to whose place on the shelves sheer feminine instinct must have guided her. I announced Mrs. McMurray's proposed visit. I picked it up tenderly, and laid it on my writing-table.

"Perhaps that has something to do with it." "Then, for heaven's sake," said I, "dress her in drabs and greys and subfusc browns. Cut off her hair and give her a row of buttons down the back." My friend's eyes sparkled. "I am going," said she, "to have the day of my life tomorrow." Carlotta had already gone to sleep, so Antoinette informed me, when the results of Mrs. McMurray's shopping came home.