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Fedhlimidh himself came to converse with Lomman; and he believed, and presented Ath-Truim to God and Patrick, and to Lomman, and to Fortchern. Of the Britons, moreover, was the origin of Lomman, and his mother was the sister of Patrick.

And in the morning, Fortchern, Fedhlimidh's son, went and found Lomman, and his gospels before him. He wondered at the precepts he heard. He believed, and was baptized by Lomman. And Fortchern was listening to the instruction, until his mother went to seek him. She welcomed the clerics, for she was of the Britons, viz.: Scoth, daughter of the king of Britain.

But, after some time, when Lomman's death drew nigh, Lomman and his foster-son, i.e., Fortchern, went to converse with his brother, i.e., Broccaid, and he committed his church to Patrick and Fortchern; and Fortchern opposed it, that he might not inherit his father's possessions, who gave the place to God and Patrick.

Patrick, and to Lomman, and to Fortchern, viz., Ath-Truim, in the territory of Laeghaire of Bregia, and Imghae, in the territory of Laeghaire of Meath. Prima feria venit Patricius ad Taltenam, where the regal assembly was, to Cairpre, the son of Niall.

But Lomman said, "You shall not receive my benediction unless you assume the abbacy of my church." Fortchern took upon him the abbacy after the death of Lomman, for three days, when he went to Trim; and afterwards gave his church to Cathlai, a pilgrim. These are the offerings of Fedhlimidh, son of Laeghaire, to St.

Euntes ergo docete omnes gentes baptizantes eos in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, docentes eos observare omnia quaecumque mandavi vobis, etc. When Patrick came with his fleet to Erinn, to preach to the Gaeidhel, and went to Tara, he left Lomman in Inbher-Boinne, to take care of his ships, during the forty nights of the Lent.