United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

All the sewing, dorcas and mite societies of the several churches in Sardis had been merged into one consolidated Lint-Scraping and Bandage-Making Union, in whose enlarged confines the waves of gossip flowed with as much more force and volume as other waves gain when the floods unite a number of small pools into one great lake.

I had hoped so much that you would by this time have decided that you had done enough, and come home and content yourself with doing what you could for the Sanitary Fair, and the lint-scraping bees. P.S. Your father is well. He will go with me to Wisconsin, and then go down to Nebraska to look after his land there. P.S. I am SO sorry to tell you that Harry Glen has acted badly again.

And the flotsam that appeared most frequently of late on their crests, and that was tossed most relentlessly hither and thither, was Rachel Bond's and Harry Glen's conduct and relations to each other. The Consolidated Lint-scraping and Bandage-making Union was holding a regular session, and gossip was at spring-tide. "It is certainly queer," said Mrs.

He, a dour and practical person, thought the voyage with the Lamp wholly unnecessary and likely to awaken sleepers to whom sleep was life; that lint-scraping would have been a more useful employment than graciousness to the poor wounded; that a woman, as zealous as Mrs.