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Nourished there on dust, Lilît, with the sister vampires of eternal night, fed on her. A camel's-hair tent set in the desert was the first cathedral, the earliest cloister of latest ideals.

Then follows the incantation which he is to recite: The evil ulukku, alu, ekimmu, The evil gallu, the evil god, rabisu, Labartu, labasu, akhkhazu, Lilu and lilit and ardat lili, Sorcery, charm, bewitchment, The sickness, the cruel artifice, Their head against his head, Their hand against his hand, Their foot against his foot, May they not place, May they never draw nigh.

In Babylonia there was a sort of pandemonium, a certain organization of demons, with proper names for some classes; demons usually have not proper names, but may receive such names when they come into specially definite relations with men. The demon Lilit mentioned in the Old Testament, is probably Babylonian. The two great Hebrew hostile beings, Satan and Azazĕl, are rather gods than demons.

Perhaps, too, it was they who, as succubi, emotionalized the dreams of monks. Yet, in view of Ishtar, they could not have been very numerous in Babylon where, however, they had a queen, Lilît, the Lilith of the Talmud, Adam's vampire wife, who conceived with him shapes of sin.