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I rather like your idea;" whereupon Maria drew from her side-pocket a couple of cigars wrapped up in part of an odd number of the Leutschau county newspaper, and gave the sheet to her valiant comrade, who glanced over it with the air of a connoisseur, and, after declaring aloud that he quite grasped its meaning, folded it neatly up, and stuck it in the braiding of his cap.

It was not the Turk Ali, but Valentine Kalondai. The condemned convict threw himself upon the horse and galloped off. Simplex and the comrades who had assisted him in the execution of this stratagem threw their masquerading costumes into the churchyard ditch, and after making a wide circuit of the town, returned to it by the Leutschau gate as if they knew nothing at all about it.

His secretary was struck from his horse with an ax, but saved in a similar manner, and in the evening conveyed with his master to Leutschau." Quoted from an address delivered in Boston by Edward Everett. A little knowledge on the part of the peasantry would have prevented these horrible scenes.

It was wrong, very wrong of them not to come, for all the new-born children in the place were being taken to the next parish to be christened; and still more scandalous, during the Leutschau fair last week, Protestant malefactors had to be accompanied to the scaffold by a Papist priest.